Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Betty and Coretta

As you all know, this past weekend was Super Bowl weekend, however, I watched something else that was much bigger than that, in my mind. Since it is now officially black history month, this past weekend Lifetime started showing black movies to prepare for their new release Betty and Coretta, starring Angela Basset, Mary J. Blige, and Malik Yoba. So, before that came on at 8:00 on Saturday, I watched the other Lifetime movies that were on. Such as Abducted: The Carlina White Story and Steel Magnolias. And then, at 8:00, I made myself a nice banana-strawberry smoothie and tuned in to the great biopic. The movie was essentially about the two lives of activist friends Coretta Scott King (played beautifully by Oscar nominee Angela Bassett) and Betty Shabazz (played by Mary J. Blige) as they try and cope with the loss of their two husbands for the next few years. The movie was heartfelt, comical at times, and incredibly tragic. The ending will leave you speechless, as well as Angela Basset's performance. You can catch Betty and Coretta on Lifetime. Then, this past week, the highly rated reboot of the 80s drama Dallas premiered last Monday. It was a bittersweet moment for the Dallas crew because although this is their best season yet, they lost the late great villain Larry Ewing (a.k.a J.R. Ewing). However, before he left, he managed to shoot a few episodes so that we'll get to see our favorite T.V. villain in action one last time. And for those of you who missed the first season, let me give you recap. In the beginning, we learn that Bobby has married Ann and that his adopted son Christopher is getting married to a girl we know nothing about, Rebecca. Then, we also learn that J.R. is still up to his old scheming ways, along with his son John Ross. Along the way, we find that Rebecca isn't who she says she is, Sue Ellen is being framed, and Bobby has cancer. After that explosive season finale, everyone was hungry for more, so, the producers have came up with the most entertaining season yet. Unfortunately, there are only eight episodes for this season because the producers have another project. However, I do have some EXCLUSIVE news! And if any of you don't like spoilers, stop reading now. Since J.R. has died, the producers have came up with the most innovative idea since "Who Shot J.R.". This season, there will be a funeral held where all the Ewings, including Gary and Lucy, are returning to pay their respects. However, it will be a dark time because not only has J.R. died, he's been murdered. So, the shocking episode will be entitled "Who Killed J.R." and it is rumored that we will finally hear about what really happened to Pamela Ewing after all of these years. Will Victoria Principle reprise her most coveted role? And who will be holding the smoking gun? All might be revealed on this year's Dallas. You can also see new episodes on TNT at 9:00 on Monday nights. Thanks for reading this week's blogs all you buzzers. And as always, please send me your comments on anything I have or haven't said and I will address it in my next blog. Until next time............

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Welcome Back!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all you buzzers out there. I hope you all had a happy ending to 2012 and have made plans for the futures in 2013. It feels like I haven't posted in forever, but I'm back now and looking forward to the entertainment world this year. And today, I have some shocking hot topic news and an exciting array of information over how I spent my Christmas vacation. As you all know, over the holidays there were three movies that amazed the media and world: Parental Guidance, Les Miserables, and Django Unchained. Now personally, I wasn't really interested in a kid-friendly comedy like Parental Guidance, but I was amazed at the incredible triumph in Les Miserables and the unbearable violence and revenge in Django Unchained. And this year, when Christmas came to town, the public agreed with me. The PG rated comedy Parental Guidance did okay at the box-office, but it was Les Miserables and Django who broke records at the Christmas Day box-office and were hits. Apparently, the public loves forgiving criminals and vengeful slaves, like me! If I only I could get them to agree with me on television. Well, anyway, I didn't get to see either movie and I came back to school looking shameful. But, I spent my vacation watching other things. For Christmas, me and my mom got the honor of watching all the big movies of 2012 that we missed out on. The first movie we saw was Tyler Perry's Alex Cross. I just have to say one thing after that: it was everything I thought it would be. Just like every other underdog movie, the trailer told me everything about Alex Cross. And even though Tyler Perry and Matthew Fox did tremendous jobs bringing the characters to life, I thought the screenplay could have been less corny. But, at the end of the day, I was surprised by the ending and it was ultimately a good movie. Next, we watched the fan favorite The Dark Knight Rises. After watching that, I was left breathless and mesmerized by Christopher Nolan's genius and Tom Hardy's portrayal of Bane. Bane was the absolute best villain of the century and can only be rivaled by The Joker. However, I believe that Bane is better. His addictive villainous voice and stature fitted his beliefs and personality so well. No one will ever be able to make another Batman movie. Then, I saw the critically acclaimed drama Trouble with The Curve. Even though I don't like Clint Eastwood, I thought he was smart and funny in this and had good chemistry with Academy Award nominated Amy Adams. The story of an aging baseball scout who tries to mend the relationship with his daughter captivated me and my mother and goes down in history as one of the greatest baseball movies ever. (Along with Moneyball and A League of Their Own) Then, the last movie we watched that day was 2013's Golden Globe nominated Arbitrage, starring Richard Gere. The movie is about a man who is the CEO of a huge company and has a great life. However, under the covers, it's not what it seems. We soon learn that the company is going under and that Gere's mistress dies in a car crash. The movie was incredible and Richard Gere deserved a nomination for an Oscar. The next day, my mom and I started watching The Amazing Spider-Man. Due to an awful copy, we only got to see it halfway through, but I thought it was excellent. I loved seeing Peter in love with someone else besides Mary Jane and I thought the Lizard was pretty cool too! Then, that night, me and my mother popped some popcorn and watched the break-out comedy of the year Pitch Perfect. My mom thought it was stupid, but it was hilarious to me. Rebel Wilson (a.k.a Fat Amy) was outrageous and deserved an Oscar for her die-hard performance. Then, I didn't start watching any more movies until the following week, when my mom went back to work. First, I saw Quentin Tarantino's Man with The Iron Fists. Tarantino's style and violence was awesome, as usual, but the storyline was pretty boring and dry. Although I will say that I was surprised that the main character turned out to be the same as the title name. But, at the end, it was pretty good. Then, the next and final day of my vacation, I watched Whitney Houston's last film, Sparkle, a remake of the 70s film with the same name. I was amazed by Carmen Ejogo's performance in the film and thought she should have been nominated for an Oscar. Also, I thought Jordin Sparks and Whitney Houston had some major vocal talents in the film and did great. The film was awesome and goes down in history with the other great musical-dramas like Chicago and Dreamgirls. Then, the last movie I saw was the comedy of the year Ted. Seth Macfarlane proved to have some awesome vocal and comedic skills and did great as a bear. This was also a great and funny movie. Well, thank you for reading this and as always, send me you comments on anything I said or didn't say and I will get back to you. Tune in next week for a great talk of entertainment and celebrities. Until next time........