Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What's The buzz

Welcome to The buzz, which is where anyone can come to read about all the latest movies, music, television, celebrities, and of course, my opinion. And please, feel free to send me feedback and questions about anything I'm talking about or not, and I will try to talk about it in my next post. Now, let's get down to business. First of all, the fall season brings about many new television series, and this year, just like any other, there are a ton of new shows, and new seasons of old shows. Let's talk about Fox. Fox is known for it's dramas such as House and 24, but this year, it has a few comedies that will be joining it's lineup, alongside the highly anticipated returns of Glee and New Girl. One of the new shows debuting is "Ben and Kate," which tells the story of a guy who moves in with his sister and her daughter and supposedly has "hilarious" results. I don't really believe that it will be picked up for a second season, but the way the world works today, you never know. Another show debuting on Fox is "The Mindy Project." In this show, a female doctor tries to find love and juggle her job at the same time. Okay, first of all, does this even seem appealing to any of you? Because I think that this might be one of Fox's worst attempts at a comedic success yet. But, like I said before, you never know. We'll just have to wait and see if these shows will rise to glory, such as the huge success of Glee. Next, let's talk NBC. Just like Fox, this network decided to dwell in comedy, but I believe they will have better results. One of it's new shows is "Go On," which is anchored by Matthew Perry, (Chandler, Friends). This show is about a radio host (Perry) who's wife just died. He tries to regroup with the guidance of a "self-help" with many colorfull chaaracters. I definitely recommend this show. It's original and funny. Another NBC comedy debuting this fall is "Animal Practice," which tells the funny on-goings of an animal clinic. Not only is NBC offering us new comedies to watch, but they're also going to give us a a little bit of drama. "Revolution" is a futuristic drama about all the electricity of the world going out and a teenager must try and locate the only relative she knows that's alive. Although NBC is sounding really great, let me tell you about ABC's new ideas. This year, ABC has decided to give us some more great dramas to go along with their smash hit Scandal. "Nashville" is the story of a country singer who has passed her prime, and is trying to come back to the spotlight all the while trying to compete with a new honky-tonk, pop country star. Then, "Last Resort" is the story of a rebellious submarine ship who has been attacked by their own country. Both of these shows sound spectacular, although their new comedy, "The Neighbors," is a bit hard to get a grip on. This comedy is about a family who suspects that their new neighbors are literally "outta-this-world." I'm a little skeptical about this one but, we'll see how this one plays out. Well, this has been a spectacular first post and I want to thank all of you for reading. Again, please send me your feedback. It will really help. This is me signing out. Until next time....


  1. I learned some new stuff! Great job!

  2. Great post Brandon. Can't wait for the next one! Keep up the excellent journalism. Nez
