Thursday, September 13, 2012

Summer Tops and Drops....Part 2

The last time I posted, I left off on the downfall of Total Recall and all those other tops and drops of summer.  However, we still have a few more tops and drops to go through. Not only did we have some good action movies this past summer, but we also had a few comedies. The creators of Borat decided to give it another go with outrageous comedy "The Dictator." Sacha Baron Cohen gives a funny performance as a foreign dictator who comes to America and gets into a lot of trouble. Critics loved the movie and it did pretty decent  at the box-office, raking in $174,950,222 worldwide. Another comedy this summer that did outstanding was  "Ted," the comedy about a man and his.................bear. In the movie, a boy wishes for his teddy bear to be real, and he gets his wish. The two grow up together, and get into all kinds of mischief. This was probably the funniest movie of the summer and took in $374,289,040 worldwide. This and The Dictator were total tops. However, not every comedy got through to movie-goers. "The Watch," starring comedic heavyweights such as Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, and Jonah Hill, did horribly. In this box office drop, four friends start a neighborhood watch and have a more-than-close encounter with the "third" kind. With only $42,834,200 under its belt, "The Watch" was the lowest grossing movie of the summer that received as much publicity as it did. I don't think we'll be seeing too much of Vince Vaughn any time soon. In spite of Kristen Stewart's recent scandal, her movie "Snow White and The Huntsman" got a ton of publicity and many fans were eager to see her transition from vampire-girl to beautiful princess Snow White this past summer. In Snow White, a ruthless queen (beautifully played by Charlize Theron) hires a man to hunt down Snow White (Stewart) in order to break her spell of aging so she can live forever. Although I praise Kristen for her portrayal as Isabella Swan, I love her as Snow White and would love to see her do a sequel. This slightly dark twist of the original raked in $393,950,105 and is definitely a summer top. All you Diary of a Wimpy Kid lovers will probably stone me for this, but news is news. This pass summer, Twentieth Century Fox brought us yet another installment of Jeff Kinney's wonderful books, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days." This time around, in order to skip around spending a lot of money on making the films, Fox decided to combine the third and fourth books together. However, their idea of making two into one and getting more money for it failed. This movie has grossed $52,413,378 worldwide, making it the weakest first month of any of the other Diary of a Wimpy Kid films. Now, even though I love the books, the movies, to me, are unnecessary and stupid. First of all, if you're going to make the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"series, film it right. Usually in the movies, Greg is portayed as a jerk and Rowley is seen as an innocent good kid, which we all know isn't true. This is a summer drop. And now for the grand finale. The moment you've all been waiting for. The last big top or drop movie. And the last movie is Christopher Nolan's most anticipated film, the last movie in "The Dark Knight" series, The Dark Knight Rises. Christian Bale, for the last time, returns as Batman and faces a whole new villian Bane (played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt). Lucious Fox (played non-other than the wonderful Morgan Freeman) also has a new gagdet for the caped crusader, The Bat. Dazzling special effects and the new hero-villian Catwoman complete the last movie of Christopher Nolan's blockbuster series. Not only is this movie a total summer top, but it has earned a spot in the top five highest grossing weekend openings with $160,887,295 and has earned $1,042,014,544 in the worldwide box-office. This concludes all the biggest tops and drops movies of the summer. Thank you for reading and tune in next week for all the latest gossip in the entertainment world. And as always, send me all your questions and comments on anything I have or haven't said. Until next time..........

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