Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Premieres

This past weekend, we've had the major fall line-up premiers, but before I go into detail about that, let's talk gossip. Over this past week, 80s action star Arnold Schwarzenegger has opened up about his most infamous scandalous marriage. We've all heard about his affair with his maid and secretly fathering a child, but new scandalous secrets have come about this past Californian governor. Schwarzenegger admits to keeping his 1997 operation secret and having even more affairs with other women. First of all, Arnold, your last name is too hard to say and spell and I barely got past "Sch". Second, you're going down in history as the worst husband of all time. Who cheats on their wife with someone as practical as the maid and has a child with her.  Then, you have more news to come out about? What more can you possibly tell Maria Shriver after all that has happened? But in other news, fallen child star Lindsey Lohan was allegedly attacked outside of her hotel room. A 25 year-old man was arrested Sunday morning for grabbing the actress over cellphone images. Lindsey, after all that has happened over you running someone over and stealing a necklace, do we really believe you. You're the girl who was arrested more times than Charlie Sheen and you expect us to believe someone grabbed you. How do we know you didn't grab him over something and then say he did that to you to the police? Then again, there are some crazy people out there and you never know. Then, in a recent interview on CNN, former child star Danny Bonaduce revealed that over the weekend, a fan of his went in to kiss him on the cheek and then bit him. Bonaduce said the bite didn't hurt that much and didn't leave too much of a mark. Rather the "vampire fan" being pressed charges on has been unconfirmed. And finally in today's celebrity news, the Academy has announced that Seth Macfarlane will host the 85th Academy Awards. This upcoming awards show is going to be the best in years. Of course we all know Macfarlane from the creator and voice of Family Guy and American Dad, so this upcoming year should be a real treat. And congratulations on the success of Family Guy Seth. And now, it's time for the premier ratings of this years fall-lineup. Many television shows opened weak, but others really thrived and exceeded expectations. Let's talk ABC. This year, ABC brought on new show 666 Park Avenue and expected it's viewers to be as seduced as the characters. However, viewers found it hard to move into this apartment and the show only seduced 7 million people with 2.2 percent adult demographic. I hope the ratings improve because I would love to see Vanessa Williams show that she can do better things than Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty. But before Williams could debut, the return of two hit shows premiered in their time slots and came out with a bang. Revenge opened strong with 9.5 million and a 3.2 adult demographic while Once upon a Time had the highest opening of the night for a television show with 11 million and 3.8 adult demographic. On Once upon a Time, I'm still stuck on the fact that the characters symbolize fairy tale icons, such as Cinderella. What does that even mean? But anyway, now let's talk about CBS. CBS' shows on Sunday suffered plenty of losses with its ratings depending on where they used to be. Firstly, CBS' Amazing Race only raked in 9.7 million viewers and a 2.5 demographic and The Good Wife only took in 9.8 million with a 1.8 adult demographic. Both shows were down 17 and 18 percent from their usual intake. Then, The Mentalist hit a series low with 10.8 million viewers. I would like to put it out there that this show is totally  ridiculous and Simon Baker's character is stubborn, obnoxious, and a know-it-all. But, that's just my opinion. Let's go over to Fox. This past Sunday, Fox premiered this fall/winter's "animation domination". The Simpsons premiered with 8 million, which is low for this cartoon heavyweight, and Family Guy only got 6.5 million. Hope these two ratings improve as well because I would love to see Homer a few more seasons and Family Guy for as many seasons as The Simpsons. There are also some shows that debuted throughout last week, and let me tell you, they were a total bust. Fox's The Mob Doctor premiered on Monday and had low ratings. With only 5.1 million under it's belt, Fox might be having the doctor sleeping with the fishes. Then, Ben and Kate only raked half of the viewers of "The Mindy Project". I told you this television show would set back Fox 20 years and its comedy could kill zombies. These two shows might not make it to see another day, and the only reason Ben and Kate got that many viewers was because of its time slot. Then, NBC's Animal Practice harshly surpassed mob doctor. With ratings like 5.2 million, NBC might tell tell the animals to knock off the monkey business. Guys with Kids debuted the lowest out of all the shows last week and is rumored to be cancelled after four episodes if its ratings don't improve. The guys only entertained a low 4.8 million. I hope this show can at least go on for two seasons because I would hate to see Anthony Anderson suffer another loss after his Law and Order reboot. And finally, The Neighbors might be moving out of this world. In my debut blog, I predicted that it would be hard to catch on to this out-of this-world comedy, and coincidentally, so did viewers. The Neighbors started out with 9.2 million viewers, however, it retained 60 percent of that number. I knew this storyline was junk, and apparently many people agreed with me. The television show Last Resort is also in bad shape and is rumored to be cancelled after four episodes on air as well. I would also like to give a shout out to million-dollar producer Shonda Rimes. Rimes is an African-American executive producer and has created television royalty Grey's Anatomy and newcomer Scandal. This past week, Grey's Anatomy raked in a whopping 11.5 million and Scandal produced 7 million viewers, which was bigger than last season's premiere. Shonda Rimes is phenomenal and Scandal happens to be one of the juiciest dramas that keeps-you-guessing of all time. Kerry Washington is superb as the fixer Olivia Pope. However, you'll have to wait until next week to get the scoop on that show and its cast members. Well, its about that time again and I want to thank you for reading this week's issue. I also want to know how you liked Kill Bill Vol. 1. Send me your thoughts on this past week's movie as well as your questions, comments, and thoughts on anything I have or haven't said. Until next time.....

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